DDoS 攻擊
Posted by on 2017-09-12 14:14:58


因為本公司的系統發現DDoS 攻擊,為減低對網絡的影響,系統會自動把受影響的IP網段過濾和把受攻擊的 IP 阻擋,期間網絡效能絶不會有所下降,只是因進行網路過濾而路由距離較遠,導致連線所需時間較長。本公司的系統已經盡力將有關DDoS 攻擊帶來的影響降至最低。本公司會繼續監控有關情況,直至流量回復正常為止。




Dear Valued Customer,

Please be informed that our system is under DDoS attack. Our Anti-DDoS service will mitigate the victim IP, the victim IP will be auto-released once DDoS attack has stopped.

The network performance will not decline, but will take a longer connection time because of the network filter and routing distance. SunnyVision has made effort to minimize the impact of DDoS attacks.  We will continue to monitor the situation until the traffic returns to normal. You still can through IPMI to check the service.

Once again, we apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused.

Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks for your continual support for SunnyVision.

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